Donald Albrecht

Keep Calm and Carry On:
World War II and
the British Home Front,

Norton Museum of Art,
West Palm Beach, Florida

Keep Calm and Carry On traced developments in architecture, engineering, urban planning, fashion, graphics, media, and product and automotive design between 1938 and 1951, a tumultuous 13-year period that spanned the run-up to World War II and its immediate aftermath. From 1939 to 1945, Britain’s creative class mobilized to win the war on the home front. Wartime initiatives spurred new levels of design innovation in a wide range of fields, explored in the exhibition with fashions, furniture, posters, drawings, photographs, films, and ephemera. The end of the war in 1945 accelerated progressive trends that had been launched during the war and were furthered with a series of postwar exhibitions presenting new and innovative ideas. Accompanied by a 128-page catalog.

Mr. Albrecht conceived the exhibitions themes and organization, identified its designers, selected all artifacts, wrote exhibition wall text, and edited and wrote the primary essays in the catalog.

>See exhibition catalog

Exhibition and catalog design: Pure+Applied
Photographs: John Halpern

Donald Albrecht