The Mythic City:
Photographs of New York
by Samuel H. Gottscho
Museum of the City of New York
Capturing in some 150 lustrous black-and-white photographs a “mythic moment” in New York City’s history—the era of Rockefeller Center, the 1939/40 World’s Fair, and other Art Deco monuments—this exhibition focused on the work of Samuel H. Gottscho (1875–1971). The show was drawn exclusively from the Museum’s photography collection. Accompanied by a 224-page book.
Mr. Albrecht conceived the idea of the show and catalogue, selected all artifacts, wrote exhibition text, and assembled the design team.
“…no other lensman of his era projected a vision of Manhattan’s style and sophistication with the same panache.”
Grace Glueck, New York Times, January 20, 2006
“The most romantic exhibit in New York right now…”
Ariella Budick, Newsday, December 16, 2005
Exhibition and catalogue designer: Pure+Applied
Installation photographer: Agatha Wasilewska